Instructions For Final Essay and Visual Presentation
Final Essay
Complete the following statement in a 1-2 page essay: “The three ways I have changed because of the Solomon Leadership Program are…”
In your essay, you may reference discussions with your mentor, stories or points from any of the curricula or speakers from previous sessions, or any other reading you have done or experiences you have had related to Solomon to reinforce your ideas.
Your essay will be evaluated using the following criteria, in order of importance:
- Depth and Insight into Subject
- Support and Development of Ideas
- Effort
- Organization and Clarity
- Style and Mechanics
Visual Presentation
The final part of the Completion Requirements is your contribution to our Leadership Showcase, a beautiful exhibit which will be on display at the Graduation. Create a Visual Presentation such as an original artwork in any medium, video, photography, or any other creative idea that speaks to your experience in the Solomon Leadership Program and what you have learned from it. You have full creative license. Your project will be evaluated for depth, effort, creativity, clarity, style, and interest. If your presentation is not self explanatory, please submit a short description along with your presentation.
Mentor Note
Each mentor will receive a personalized, printed memento with notes of appreciation from the Fellows in their group. If you specifically wrote about your mentor in your Final Essay, feel free to use or adapt those words here. Please make sure to submit your note with your Final Essay on the Final Essay Quiz page.