What’s stronger than iron and more fragile than glass? [ld_video] We see that Chiune Sugihara displayed strong moral courage, an essential pillar within Character. As explained in the video, moral courage leads to earned trust, which in turn leads to followers. Read below for writer David Brooks’ perspective on modern day earned trust.
“Do what’s right because it is right.” -Chiune Sugihara In June of 1940, the Jews of Lithuania were in trouble. Trapped between the Nazis and the Soviets, with Britain and America unwilling to accept more Jewish immigrants, and time running out as the Soviets had ordered international consulates in Lithuania to close, there seemed to…
1. From the list below, choose and write down every core value that resonates with you. Do not overthink your selections. As you read through the list, simply check off the words that feel like a core value to you personally. If you think of a value you possess that is not on the list,…